Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Bike Give Away

I'm going to take this moment to publicize a very special event: A group of individuals partner yearly with Sarah Jane Johnson Memorial United Methodist Church to give away bicycles to those in need.  They give away several hundred bikes. They will happily accept any and all donations, no matter the condition (though obviously better condition would be preferable). The group will find useful parts from any bike though. To drop off a bike:
"Bikes can be dropped off in the parking lot of the church between 8:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, Tuesdays until 6:30 p.m. and Sunday mornings. "Drop the bike and ring the bell," Cardin said. If a tax receipt is requested, bike donors are asked to wrap their information around the handle bar."
To request a bike: "For more information or sign up forms, contact: Patricia Cardin, (607) 797-3938, Ext. 113, or send an e-mail message to:"
A bike safety clinic is held each year as part of the giveaway. This year’s activity will take place on Saturday, May 12 , from 1 to 4 p.m. in the UHS parking lot adjacent to Sarah Jane Johnson Church.  To receive a bike, a youth must be referred in advance of the giveaway, take part in all safety aspects of the day, and agree to wear a helmet while riding the bike.
I also have no problem accepting bike donations personally. Comment on this post to arrange a pickup!

Update: 3/21 Press Connects article

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